Ave Mujica Episode 8 – Hidden Personalities

Ave Mujica -The Die Cast- Episode 8 is out now on Crunchyroll and Muse Asia. This article contains spoilers from the episode.

After CRYCHIC’s farewell performance in the last episode, Ave Mujica -The Die Cast- Episode 8 seamlessly continues the aftermath of that emotional moment, but this time focusing on its impact on the Ave Mujica members. Right from the start of the episode, we see what happened to Mortis after she allowed Mutsumi to reunite with her former CRYCHIC bandmates. But Mortis is still Mortis, and that performance certainly didn’t erase her presence.

However, the biggest plot twist regarding Mutsumi’s character was unveiled in this episode, leaving me momentarily scratching my head because Mortis just suddenly appeared again despite being shown drowning in the first scene. It wasn’t until Mutsumi’s mother spoke with Nyamu that I fully grasped the depth of what was happening. Previously, I argued that either Sakiko or Tomori might be the most complex characters in the BanG Dream! franchise, but with this new revelation, Mutsumi stands on an entirely different level.

Ave Mujica Episode 8 Mutsumi

Mutsumi, or rather Mortis, remains an enigma, with her character continuing to unravel even after everything we’ve seen since Episode 2. Now that the narrative is shifting toward the idea that there was never truly a “Mutsumi” to begin with and that Mortis exists solely to preserve that part of her, it raises even more questions.

If this isn’t the real Mutsumi, then who is? What is her true personality all this time? Is Mutsumi even her real name? And if even her own mother describes her as a monster, then the implications are absolutely staggering. Despite nearly every episode focusing on her, Mutsumi is still shrouded in mystery, which is insane. While I’m deeply intrigued by her character arc, I do hope it reaches its resolution soon so that the other Ave Mujica members can finally take their turn in the spotlight.

Just when I thought Mortis had disappeared for good in the last episode, or at least in the first half of this one, she proved otherwise. It’s astonishing how much there is to unpack about her. Added to the fact there’s another plotline of Umiri trying to revive Ave Mujica, it somehow feels like the story is all over the place. But that’s not to say the whole Ave Mujica -The Die Cast- narrative is collapsing. It’s rather quite the opposite—it’s building up to the climax and I believe everything will connect at the end. This episode might’ve been slower than the others but it surely is cooking up something. 

Ave Mujica Episode 8 sakiko

While this episode again delved deeper into Mortis and Mutsumi, it wasn’t solely about her as this time Umiri finally got her own moment in the series. We finally got to learn more about her background, her past, and why she jealously reacted to CRYCHIC’s performance last episode. Her past was indeed tragic and explains why she kept joining bands.

Before, I saw her as someone overly professional or lacking true commitment, but after this episode, I can’t help but have a soft spot for her. That’s why I found it a bit frustrating when she was pouring her heart out about her past to Nyamu, only for Nyamu to half-listen. But at the same time, I won’t lie that it was a bit hilarious and perfectly captured Nyamu’s character and their dynamic together.

If Umiri lost some aura points in the previous episode, she definitely took another hit for the most part of this one. However, she made a strong comeback in the end, regaining her aura points back and perhaps farmed even more than before.

This episode redefined her character, showing that beneath her stoic and professional demeanor, she’s also a lovable mess and somewhat of a goofy girl failure. But what makes her compelling isn’t just her flaws or hidden personality; it’s her growth, her ability to reflect, and the drastic changes she makes for the better. She may have avoided responsibility before, but now she takes the initiative with an unwavering commitment to reviving the band. She is trying her best to become trustworthy.

Ave Mujica Episode 8 Umiri and Nyamu

It was great to see more of Umiri since she’s one of the Ave Mujica members we barely know. Even though we’re already halfway through the series, there are still three characters whose stories remain largely unexplored. But I think that’s fine since Ave Mujica -The Die Cast-  has proven it can do justice to its characters, as seen with Sakiko and Mutsumi, so I have no doubt the remaining members will get their time to shine.

That being said, there’s still this lingering question about Uika. While Umiri and Nyamu’s backstories are gradually unfolding, and Mortis’ arc seems to be nearing its climax, Uika remains a mystery. At this point, she feels like a hidden ticking time bomb, waiting for the perfect moment to go off and crash out. And when she does, I’m hoping it’ll be nothing short of cinematic.

The screenshots were taken via Muse Asia.

Anime Corner was given an advanced screening of Ave Mujica -The Die Cast- Episode 8. 

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